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No Recruitment Lies, Please!

Updated: Aug 26, 2019

In my opinion, this issue is a very sensitive one. We are used to saying that salesmen change/exaggerate reality, but does this also apply to recruitment?

I do not like lies, neither in my personal nor in my professional career, but have met them on my career path. I was also an employee and got my share of the recruiting lies.

I want to draw attention to the recruiters out there, not to include lies and augmentations in their job ads and job descriptions. You also don’t like a resume full of lies, then act accordingly! Do not tell fantastic stories about the future working environment, it’s not a fantastic castle for job superheroes, because they don't pay employees for free. They are looking for specific working conditions, but a distortion of reality or marketing tricks won’t benefit anyone in this case.

Are you still complaining about the low response rate from IT candidates? Statistically speaking, they receive tons of job offers directly via email and social media. Think about individualizing the message, show that you care and know about their projects - be better informed than an average head-hunter and think about a suitable approach.

The salary range should be given or confidential, depending on how the client requires it, but under no circumstances exaggerated in order to attract more candidates for the role. Usually, external recruiters are not allowed to negotiate the salary and internal recruiters are bound by the company policy when it comes to the financial part.

One last piece of advice is to treat candidates with respect and always keep the conversation honest and open. No recruitment lies, please!

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